Sunday, December 16, 2012

We've Moved!

Come visit our new blog at We ran out of room on this one and needed to get Sam added anyway! :)

Hope to have you visit our new site!

Friday, November 16, 2012

The last of Sam's Birthday

Sam's birthday was a several day event, so here are highlights from the actual day. 

I think this first one was actually the night before. We get so silly at night on the green couch. Here is Daddy tickling Sam...

Mommy got a frosted cookie for Sam's birthday that we all got to share. Sam was VERY serious about eating his part of it!

We went to the play area at the mall before supper since Sam hadn't been able to play there yet. He enjoyed it, but was a little cautious. I can't really blame him though because EVERY single kid in that play area came over and hugged and kissed Sam (and many of them multiple times). He was  a bit overwhelmed with it all!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Sam!

It's hard to believe that Sam is one already! We celebrated his birthday on Sunday, and he had fun, although he was a little overwhelmed with everything.

Waking up with Grandpa and eating a cracker :)

I loved the birthday hats we got!

Sam wasn't the biggest fan of the birthday hats, but we kept trying!

Happy Birthday little brother!

 Presents time! I helped Sam out by opening all of his presents. That way, Sam could just play with everything. He was completely fine with that!

The hat again?!

Here was Sam's favorite part...the cake!

Brothers! Sam does not want to hold still for pictures anymore!

Here are some cute outfits he got for his birthday. Doesn't he look cute?

We had a great first year, Sam! Happy birthday!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Trick or Treat!

I had a great Halloween, and Sam did too (for the most part). 

One quick thing, Sam took his first steps this week! AND, he walked to ME!! Here is a picture right after it happened. He wouldn't really do it again because he was so excited and just wanted to bounce. 

We went to pick Mommy up at work and show our costumes to some of the people there. Here we are with Char...she is my favorite! Sam was playing shy.

Char took a picture of us all together. It turned out great...Sam was still a little nervous though.

Now the trick or treating. I had SOOO much fun! Sam really got into it as well and carried one cereal bar around for the entire time. After an hour though, he had had enough and was ready for supper. He bawled the whole way on the walk back to the truck. Once he got food, he was perfectly fine. I was much braver this year, and I went up to the houses and found the doorbell and then said trick or treat each time. If someone told me I could take two pieces of candy, I would say, "I'll take one for Sammers". So far Sam hasn't seen any of that candy, but that is more Mommy and Daddy's choice. I am still really good about sharing my candy.

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Annual Orchard Trip!

This weekend we did our annual trip to Edward's Orchard. I had a lot of fun as usual, and then on the way home, we got to stop and see Great Grandma and Great Aunt Mary before they head to warmer Texas for the winter.

First, I had to show some pictures of trying out my Thor wig. I gave Mommy some great expressions, don't you think!

 Mommy tortured Sam by trying to put it on him. Sorry Mommy, no little girl pictures for you!

The trip to the orchard started out pretty chilly and windy, but it got much better!

Let's go find some donuts and the play area!

Sam's all bundled up so he is fine!

The annual picture by the sign...

I was helping Sam out at lunch time. I'm such a good big brother (well, some of the time anyway!).

I rode a pony all by myself. I  went through pretty much all emotions on this 5 minute ride. I started out scared, went to sad and then happy.

Here you can kind of see that I am smiling through my little tears...

My silly bear had to pretend he was a turkey!

 My turn!

At Great-Grandma's house! Sam is trying to figure out how to open his treat bag.

Mommy tried all day to get good pictures of the two of us with our Halloween shirts. This is pretty much how all of them turned out. Neither one of us looking at the camera, and one lying down or rolling around.

The puppy!

Have a great week! I'll be back with more Halloween pictures after Wednesday!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

First Trick or Treat!

I had my first trick or treat event today...the Sun Prairie Halloween Spooktacular (where you go trick or treat at the businesses). We made it for about an hour before it started raining.

Grandma, Grandpa and Great Aunt Mary were nice enough to take me and Sam this year!

Here I am as Thor!

Getting all set to go!

Sam got lots of attention at each place. He was a little bewildered by it all.

Here I am with He-Man, but everyone thought he was Thor too so we got a picture!

We had a great time and love doing this before Halloween officially comes!